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God Is An Artist!

The Bible tells us God created the heavens and the earth and every creature on the earth. When He finished with His creation, He took the time to admire the works of His hands. He declared, “It is very good.”

What higher authority could God have gone to, to confirm His belief about His creation? No one! God is the highest authority. A jeweler doesn’t go to a rock enthusiast to confirm the value of a diamond. The jeweler is the higher authority. When God says something is good, it is good. End of story.

Paul said in 2 Corinthians 5:17 that those in Christ are new creatures or creations. Jesus tells Nicodemus in John 3:3 we must be “born again.” That denotes newness. Hebrews 12:2 says Jesus is the author and perfecter of our faith. Isaiah 64:8 says we are the work of His hands. Ephesians 2:10 says, “We are His workmanship…” Worth is derived from God.

If you are an artist, how would you feel if someone came to you and said, “You are an awesome artist, but your art is horrible!” You will probably feel offended and confused because your artistry and your art are inseparable. If you are a great artist, that means your art is great; if your art is horrible, then you are a poor artist.

God is an artist. He has made us and the creation around us. Why is it we tell God and others that we are nothing? We grovel before God and act as if we are not worthy of His love and attention, but we are grateful He is giving us something we don’t deserve.

If you are a believer, you are a new creation. You are re-born as a new creature who is different from the old creature. You are the work of God’s hands. As a new creation, you have the very character of God written on your heart and you are indwelt with His very presence. The Bible says you are in Christ and that Christ is in you (2 Cor. 5:17; 12:27; Col. 1:27). Does that sound like a creature who is unworthy? Your worth is not based on your works, but on Christ’s.

For you to say you are nothing is to say Christ is nothing. For you to say you are not worthy is to say Christ is not worthy. Do you understand that you, as a new creation, are the co-union of you and Jesus? There is a saying, “Apart from Christ, I am nothing.” Even though that is true for the unbeliever, when we say that as believers, we are focusing on ourselves as separate from Christ. There is an implication that I must somehow disappear into the background. That is like going to an art exhibition and only seeing the artist and not the art.

God made us new creations to display us to the world. When we walk (behave) in the Spirit, people around us see the co-union of Christ in us. Jesus looks at us and says, “Take a bow,” and we look at Him and say, “Jesus, take a bow.” God smiles and says, “I love My new creation. It is very good!”

Nail this truth down: You are worthy because you and Christ are one. (1 Cor. 6:17) You will never fully experience the abundant life until this truth becomes the breath in your lungs and the song in your heart.

Tom Price Jr.

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